Ejected from a... pet store?

It's true. Last week I was nearly ejected from a pet store for my "abusive" language toward the store manager.

Now, those of you who know me very well know that this is highly likely.

However, in this particular case, I was purely attempting to explain my perspective. What then, was I saying that was so abusive that the store manager threatened to have me "removed" from his store? Not my critique of his juniors' recommendations. Not my critique of his inventory. Not my lengthy review of our customer loyalty. No, none of that was argued. The "offense" came in the form of the word "Dude".

Apparently my "colorful" language included several inflections of this word which implied some sort of disrespect. I really am still not clear in which way I hit this man's hot button.

"My name is not "dude". You call me dude one more time, and you're out the door!"

Yes, I was working extremely hard to keep my composure... from laughing. I don't really consider my "admission" to this store to be something I covet to begin with, so what's your point dude?

What I find amazing about this particular fraying of customer service nerves is that whenever I am in England, or South Africa, or Jamaica, other English-speaking people always-- and I mean always-- request that I use this word for them. "Say dude for us!" is a request I've heard on more than one continent.

Apparently for some of us, it's not OK on this one. Sorry dude.


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