Can I just be right?

Starbucks is in an operations versus sales quasi-quagmire. In order for the Barista to get the order correctly from the order-taker, she must know a few things in a certain order, or the operation is somewhat crippled and not as smooth. The order in which the Barista needs your order is:
1. Temperature. If nothing specific is stated about temperature, the Barista presumes the drink is "hot", which dictates the cup type that's chosen. 2. Size. In Starbucksese this is Tall, Grande, Venti, or Short. 3. Espresso shot number. For instance, if someone wants 3 shots, they say "triple". 4. Drink style. This is the range of confusing combinations which exist for the expression of espresso, such as "Americano", "Machiata", "Latte", or what have you.

So I pull up to Starbucks and I say, in as economically suitable syllabic form as possible: "I'd like a triple-tall iced Americano, please." To which I am always replied, "That's an Iced Tall Triple Americano, is that correct?"

Umm, I'm not sure. I know that's not what I SAID. I mean, if you're going to charge me $3 for 6oz of coffee, can I just be right?

Figure it out people. Evolve or die.


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