C'mon coach, COACH!

It is true that in business, as in sports, there are undeniable numbers that report the status of the current competition at any given moment in time.
Both disciplines keep a statistical record that we could accurately refer to as a Scoreboard.
Now, try to imagine the following scenario:
Football Player: “Uh, coach, I’m starting to feel a little depressed about the game.”
Coach: “Why’s that, Player?”
Football Player: “Well, it’s that scoreboard up there. It says we’re losing the game. Any chance you could get them to turn it off?”
Coach: “Ah, I understand - no problem. I wouldn’t want any of my players to feel depressed about how we’re performing in this game.”
Coach: “Hey, could someone please turn off the scoreboard? It’s really upsetting my players.”
It’s a fairly common scenario – one you’ve probably heard of before.
What? You mean you’ve never heard of this happening on a football field? Well, maybe you’ve heard of it happening in business. Maybe it’s even occurred in your business. Bad numbers recently? Well, we wouldn't want to let anyone get any more depressed than they already are by displaying red. Let's not fill out the board this week...
Are you guilty of turning off your business’ Scoreboard?
After all, the sales result is the game in a sales-focused company. Are you leading that way? Are you coaching that way? Are you coaching at all?

From Merriam-Webster:
Coaching: To instruct, direct, or prompt as a coach* (used without permission)

When was the last time you prompted a new behavior? In the field? Where it matters?

C'mon coach, coach!

I recently had an encounter with a gentleman from Indianapolis who said that he had one Tech who is having no problems at all selling add ons and service agreements at fat prices, even in this economy. I said "Terrific. When was the last time you rode along with him to figure out what he's doing differently?"

"I haven't."

Oh. Well. Do I need to be here for this meeting then?



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